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One of the many ways we champion MDIs and other mission-driven financial institutions is by conducting proprietary research that deepens public understanding of the sector. The insights from these reports provide tangible evidence of the social impact that reinforces the importance of MDIs within their communities and the need for ongoing support for the sector through public, private, and philanthropic partnerships.


We are subject matter experts who understand the drivers of the racial wealth gap and the role of mission-driven financial institutions in helping build intergenerational wealth.


Research Goals:


  • Elevate the social profile of MDIs

  • Explore their community impact 

  • Highlight strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the sector

  • Outline pathways for increasing impact through innovation and partnership

Our research is designed to be actionable for a wide audience, including corporate leaders, policymakers, funders, investors, academic researchers, journalists, and the general public. 


Purpose and Goals

Research that is bold in its theory of change, robust in its method of analysis, and actionable in its contextualization of key findings.

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2024 Impact Report cover

Research Brief

2024 Impact Report

This report covers the major milestones the National Bankers Association achieved in 2024 through collaboration, policy advocacy, and the expansion of impactful programs. Together with our member banks, strategic partners, and allies, we have positioned MDIs for growth, sustainability, and increased profitability.

Research Brief

2025 MDI Bank Leader Priorities

Our new 2025 survey asks our members about economic conditions, growth strategies, technology, talent, and more. In addition to sharing our findings in this report, we also share quotes from our members to provide additional context and insight.

MDI Bank Leader Priorities meeting
diverse family

Research Brief

The State of MDI Report - 2024

This second annual State of MDI report provides updated statistics documenting changes in the sector and communities MDIs serve, with 2023 lending data from a sample of MDI banks and survey data, and qualitative insights from several MDIs that participated in our annual strategic planning retreat.

Research Brief

 A Turnkey Model for Leveraging Direct Pay to Advance Solar and Renewable Energy Finance

In this report, created in collaboration with Rochdale Capital, we provide a guide with insights and resources on Direct Pay for mission-driven lenders to advance participation in climate finance.

direct pay report image
family coming into house with boxes

Research Brief

The Social Impact of MDI Mortgage Lending

In this research, we explore MDI mortgage lending from 2019 to 2022. Our analysis highlights the social impact of MDI mortgage lending, particularly as
compared to lending from other types of financial institutions. 

Research Brief

Analysis of 2022 MDI Lending

This report examines the 2022 lending activity for a small sample of ten MDIs, all of whom are National Bankers Association member banks, to provide a detailed community profile of the places that received lending.

family laughing in living room


Navigating the Digital Frontier in Banking

Challenges and Opportunities for Mission-Driven Financial Institutions

Research brief on MDIs navigating the digital frontier


Minority Depository Institutions

State of Knowledge, Sector Summary & Lending Activity, and Impact, 2010 - 2022


Equity-Driven Capacity Building in Action

How the National Bankers Association Foundation is Democratizing Finance Through Community Empowerment

Protection Program

Research Brief

Minority Depository Institutions: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Lending Insights

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which helped businesses, self-employed workers, sole proprietors, and nonprofit organizations to continue paying salaries.

Download the report on a shared technology model to address MDIs digital needs

Download a new paper written by the Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR), National Bankers Association (NBA) and Visa Economic Empowerment Institute — and published by the VEEI — which proposes collective action in developing MDI digital strategies to enhance their competitiveness. 

Highlights from our most recent reports:




of MDI branches are located in zip codes with poverty rates higher than the national average

compared to just

of non-MDI branches

Minority Depository Institutions: State of Knowledge, Sector Summary, Lending Activity, and Impact, 2010 – 2022 May 2023

"MDIs collectively issued more than 270k PPP loans and more than $16 billion PPP loan dollars. 79% of MDI loans went to minority or LMI communities versus only 47% of non-MDI loans."

– National Bankers Association Foundation Report

Planned Areas of Research for 2023-2024 include:


Pathways to Digitalization and Best Practices

The Social Impact of MDI Lending, including Analysis of Paycheck Protection Program Loans

financial literacy

Financial Literacy and Wellness

The Unique Role of MDI-CDFIs as Engines of Mobility

green finance

MDIs, CDFIs, and Green Finance

Case Studies Based on Borrower Surveys


Our research initiatives have benefited from partnerships with prominent organizations, including Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR), John Hopkins University’s 21st Century City Initiatives, Moody’s Analytics and RMS, Milken Institute, and more!


We are always looking for great research partners, including universities, think tanks, corporate foundations, loan funds or coalitions, and government agencies.   

johns hopkins 21st century cities initiative logo
Moody's Analytics logo
milkin institute logo

If you want to learn more about our research initiatives, have ideas for new research, or wish to explore partnership or funding opportunities with this transformative program, please email Anthony Barr,


The voice of mission-driven banking since 1927

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National Bankers Association

1513 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20005


© National Bankers Association 2023.

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