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An Impact and Compliance Tool for Mission-Driven Finance

We know you have a story to tell investors, policymakers, regulators, and the general public about the important work you do. We also know that compliance is a pain point – and you want something that can aid the process. That’s why we partnered with UpMetrics to create a revolutionary new impact and compliance tool for MDIs, CDFIs, and other mission-driven banks – and for institutions investing in this sector.

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Powered by
National Bankers Association Foundation

In partnership with


EquityEQ transforms lending and deposit data into an impact dashboard that draws on sources like the Census Bureau to display critical insights about the people and places that your financial institution is serving.

Equity EQ dashboard

The dashboard supports a full range of visualizations including: maps, charts, and text-based widgets.

Each of these visualizations can be saved as image files. You can also share a static view of the dashboard or download it as a PDF to circulate offline.

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Together, we Can Eliminate the Racial Wealth Gap

We want to support you in your efforts to close the racial wealth gap.

The EquityEQ dashboard is explicitly designed from a racial equity lens. For example, we’ve preloaded the dashboard with key indicators like the percentage share by race and ethnicity for every location that receives lending dollars.

Dashboards can also be filtered along all major indicators: for example, you could filter to just see lending across a specific loan product, within a specific state, above a specific threshold for share of minority population or poverty rates, or any combination of indicators.

Interested in learning more about EquityEQ?

Individual Financial Institutions

Use EquityEQ to aid in compliance for ECIP and other reporting regimens. Explore the demographic characteristics of the places that you serve compared against the overall nation. Show the world how you serve marginalized communities through compelling visualizations and then leverage that visual storytelling to jumpstart new partnerships and invite new investment dollars. Analyze the markets you serve to create actionable plans for deepening your work and expanding it. Track trends, establish goals and benchmarks, and evaluate year-over-year performance using the indicators that you decide are central to your organization.

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Institutional Investors

Use EquityEQ to track aggregate performance for an investee cohort, while also digging into the unique footprint of each mission-driven institution that you’ve supported. Visualize quarterly or yearly changes in lending and deposit activity, matched with demographic analysis of the places your investees are serving. Combine this rich quantitative data with dedicated space for qualitative metrics based on news coverage, surveys, focus groups, or self-reported details that together illustrate how your investments are enabling internal changes and generating external social impact.

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Our goal is to be both accessible and equitable.

That’s why for individual MDIs and CDFIs as well as for institutional investors, subscription costs are adjustable based on the asset-size of your institution, loan fund, or investment portfolio. Pricing is based on a yearly cost for a standard 2-year term, with discounts available for 3+ year subscriptions.

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If you want to see a demo of EquityEQ or learn more about how to become a subscriber, please email Anthony Barr,


The voice of mission-driven banking since 1927

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National Bankers Association

1513 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20005


© National Bankers Association 2023.

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